Deaths at work, large participation in the UGL national tour “Safety is your future”

Deaths at work large participation in the UGL national tour

(Finance) – The UGL national tour “Safety is your future”organized by the union and which visited the following cities Rome, Florence, Bologna, Genoa, Turin and Milan, to present the data emerging from the Report 2022 UGL “Safety in and at the workplace”. The aim was to make public opinion and institutions aware of the importance of implementing a culture of safety in the workplace.

“The measures taken so far have not helped to reduce the human and social impact resulting from accidents at work. In 2022 there were 1090 fatal injuries recorded by Inail. This is an average of 90.83 deaths per month, 2.98 per day. Unacceptable numbers that photograph an alarming phenomenon. It is not possible to qualify the massacre taking place in the workplace as a mere fatality. It is necessary to increase controls and strengthen prevention. At the same time, it is a priority to invest in the training of workers, employers and other professional figures with the aim, moreover, of overcoming the formal and documentary logic which, too often, has privileged the bureaucratic aspects instead of the practical ones. Training should also be extended to all levels, starting from school”. So he commented Paul Capone, UGL General Secretary.

“Between the legislative proposals – comments the trade unionist – there is that of arriving at the establishment of a national prosecutor’s office for the prosecution of crimes connected to the non-compliance with the current legislation in the field of Health And job security. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the number of inspection personnel and make all the databases immediately accessible, both for control purposes and to allow better study of the phenomenon of accidents, so as to intervene on the various types and by production sector”.

“You also need one strong mobilization on the territory to break down the drama of deaths at work”. According to the trade unionist: “We need a decisive commitment from the Regions, as far as they are responsible, starting with a strengthening of check to protect health and safety in the workplace, also through the involvement of local authorities, essential for intercepting the undeclared work in commerce, construction and agriculture. The Regions are always decisive on the side of training, both initial and during the professional life of male and female workers. It is also necessary – he concludes – to make the moments of confrontation with the unions and employers’ associations structural, stable and constant”.
