Deaths are mostly caused by this disease: It is possible to take it under control!

Deaths are mostly caused by this disease It is possible

It provides the necessary nutrients and oxygen to the body and moves the blood in the circulatory system; The heart, located just below the breastbone, is one of the most important organs of the body. The heart, whose main task is to pump blood to the body, regulates the body’s temperature, maintains the acid-base balance, and carries hormones and enzymes to the necessary parts of the body. It is known that the heart pumps 9,000 liters of blood to the body per day. The heart, which weighs between 200 grams and 400 grams in adults, is a vital organ. In order for the circulation in the body to be correct and healthy, the heart must also work systematically.


Almost anyone can get heart disease. However, some people are at greater risk in this regard. The most important step in the fight against cardiovascular diseases is to take precautions. Because cardiovascular diseases can occur earlier and progress rapidly due to risk factors. These risk factors can be listed as follows:

  • Age factor: Being over 45 for men and 55 for women
  • Early family history of heart disease
  • Use of tobacco products
  • Hypertension
  • high cholesterol
  • physical inactivity
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • sleep problems
  • early menopause
  • Heart health may deteriorate at an early age



The heart, which continues to work without taking a break throughout its life, can get tired and disrupt its task. Unhealthy diet, smoking, stress, sedentary life are among the factors that cause cardiovascular diseases; Taking these factors under control and monitoring the body carefully can be life-saving. Sometimes young people think it is too early to worry about heart disease and act carelessly. However, plaque formation in the arteries can begin at an early age. If there are diseases such as heart disease or diabetes in the family; If the young person has excess weight, the veins can be affected at an early age and negatively. It is known that in addition to genetic factors, unhealthy living habits are also effective in coronary artery disease due to atherosclerosis.


For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to some points in order to protect heart health and prevent heart-related deaths. It is possible to list the recommendations that protect heart health as follows:

  • Avoiding tobacco products such as cigarettes
  • Eating healthy, reaching and maintaining the ideal weight
  • reduce salt consumption
  • be physically active
  • Paying attention to stress management
  • have a positive outlook
  • Keeping cholesterol and blood sugar levels in balance
  • Keeping the blood pressure under control
  • Having regular heart checks
  • have a positive outlook
