Death of Rayan: emotion in the world, the reasons for death

Death of Rayan emotion in the world the reasons for

MOROCCO. The death of little Rayan, which occurred 4 days after he fell into a well in the Rif mountains, generated a wave of emotions in the world. The conditions he was trying to survive in were too harsh.

Little Ryan, who fell into a well in the Rif mountains, Morocco, died, we learned on February 5, 2022. His death generated a wave of emotions beyond the borders of Morocco. . Thousands of messages of condolence have been written on social networks, several political leaders, like Emmanuel Macron, wanted to share their pain with the Moroccan authorities and with the family of the little boy. The Pope also issued a statement to support those close to the child. The King of Morocco called Ryan’s father and mother after learning the outcome of the drama. Since Tuesday, the emergency services had been at work to get the young Rayan, 5, out of a well into which he had fallen. Standing 32 meters tall, the task was arduous and rescuers took four days to reach the child. An operation all the more delicate given the nature of the ground and the risk of landslide.

Rayan may have come out alive from that dry well. Although having transmitted during these long days of waiting, water and oxygen to the boy, it was impossible to know if he had been able to use them to the end. What we do know is that young Rayan was alive, although weakened the first few days. A rescue worker told international media: “I managed to speak with the child. I asked him if he could hear me and there was an answer. I waited a minute and I saw that he was starting to use oxygen.” However, as of Saturday, the head of the rescuers recognized that it was “impossible to know if the child is alive”.

The rescuers had indicated to the public television Al Oula that doctors were on site, waiting for the release of the child, in order to carry out as quickly as possible “the initial examinations and the interventions of resuscitation to the child once rescued”. The precise causes of Ryan’s death have not been formally established, but the conditions in which he was trapped in the shaft made his survival very difficult. It is also difficult to establish at what time and on what day the young boy died.

Ryan’s Death: What Happened?

The drama began on Tuesday, February 1. Ryan’s father was repairing a well in the Rif mountains in Morocco. It was then that his son fell accidentally, as the dad explained to the Le360 media: “In a moment of inattention, the little one fell into the well that I was repairing. I could not close the well. eye of the night.” The dimensions of the hole in question? 45 centimeters in diameter, for 32 meters in height. The villagers then tried to get him out of there, before help finally arrived a few hours after the fall.

Very quickly, after thinking about widening the hole, the rescuers decided to dig a hole around the well to be able to save the boy. The operation, tedious, required long hours. But Thursday, 48 hours after the start of the drilling, the rescuers still had nearly 5 meters to dig. From day one, the young child had been sent oxygen bottles and food. However, his state of health remained very uncertain. The risk of landslide slowed the work of the relief workers… On Saturday, the workers were confronted with the presence of a large rock. They therefore had to drill to access the boy. Finally, on Saturday February 5, Rayan came out of his well at 10 p.m. Very quickly, the verdict was known to all: Rayan did not survive.
