Death of Michelle Trachtenberg: why we will never know the exact causes of her death

Death of Michelle Trachtenberg why we will never know the

The actress Michelle Trachtenberg was found dead at the age of 39 on February 26, 2025, in a New York hotel. However, the family has declined any autopsy.

The famous actress Michelle Trachtenberg, aged only 39, was found dead in the morning of this Wednesday, February 26, in her apartment in the luxury hotel complex One Columbus place, in New York (United States), according to the American media ABC News. However, his entourage asked that no autopsy be practiced for reasons of religious beliefs, according to Deadline magazine. This request was accepted, since nothing suggests an external intervention or a criminal act in this case.

According to information from the New York Post, it is the mother of the actress who discovered her inanimate body, around eight in the morning. An autopsy should be quickly made to know the cause of his death, but it would seem that it is natural. Indeed, Michelle Trachtenberg would have undergone a liver transplant a few days ago. Complications related to this intervention could explain his death. But in the absence of autopsy, this theory will never be confirmed.

Her fans have been worried about her state of health for several weeks, after she published photos on her Instagram account on which she can be seen with a weight loss. She wanted to reassure her fans in January by ensuring that she is “happy and healthy”.

A career that marked the 2000s

Aged thirty-nine, she is known for having interpreted several flagship roles in successful series. We do not yet know the cause of his death. The first time that Michelle Trachtenberg was seen on the big screen was in the 1990s. While she was still a child, she made herself known in the film “Harriet the little spy”. She then played in two series which broke all audience records in the early 2000s. She interpreted the role of Dawn Summers in the series “Buffy against the vampires”, then that of Georgina Sparks in “Gossip Girl”, for six seasons. In the cinema, she also distinguished herself in “Mysterious Skin” or “still 17 years”.

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11:34 – The family refuses any autopsy

We will never know with certainty what caused the death of actress Michelle Trachtenberg, found dead on Wednesday at the age of 39. His family has indeed asked that no autopsy be practiced on his body, due to religious convictions. The death of the actress of Buffy against vampires And Gossip Girl Not being considered suspect by the authorities (there would be no trace of external intervention or criminal act), this request was accepted.
