Death of Kirstie Alley: the actress was suffering from colon cancer

Death of Kirstie Alley the actress was suffering from colon

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    American actress Kirstie Alley who died Monday suffered from colorectal cancer according to a statement from her agent. A common cancer in the United States as in France, it is however possible to detect in time.

    As we learned on Monday December 5 of the death of Kirstie Alley, a 71-year-old American actress known in particular in France for her role in “Hello mom here baby”; her agent reportedly confirmed to CNN the following day that she had been diagnosed with colon cancer before her death. According to the actress’ family, the cancer was recently discovered and did not leave her a chance.

    Colorectal cancer affects 43,000 people in France each year

    It is not known if the actress had regularly screened for colorectal cancer as is possible from the age of 45 in the United States. In France, screening is possible and is aimed at women and men from the age of 50. They receive an invitation every 2 years to talk about colorectal cancer screening with their doctor.

    Indeed, as recalled by the National Cancer Institute, colorectal cancer, or cancer of the colon and rectum, is one of the most common in France. It affects more than 43,000 people each year and causes 17,000 deaths. In more than 80% of cases, it comes from a benign tumor that grows slowly and eventually becomes cancerous. All genders combined, it is estimated that approximately one out of five colorectal cancers is diagnosed at a limited local stage. The treatment is then lighter and gives better results. It is indeed possible to get out of it by making the right decisions early enough.

    Colorectal cancer screening in practice

    In order to detect a possible cancer of the colon or rectum as soon as possible, in France, an immunological test is possible every two years between 50 and 74 years by invitation. A letter invites you to receive a stool sample collection kit. According to the National Cancer Institute, the laboratory sends you your result online within 3 working days on the site or by mail within 15 working days. The laboratory will send your result directly to your doctor and to the Cancer Screening Coordination Center in your region.

    • If the result is negative, the screening stops here, but must be repeated 2 years later. He also does not avoid a consultation in case of pain or questions.
    • If the result is positive, a colonoscopy will be considered.

    Carried out under anaesthesia, this examination makes it possible to visualize the interior of the colon and the rectum to detect the possible presence of polyps. “If a polyp has already evolved into cancer, the earlier it is detected, the greater the chances of recovery. In more than half of the cases, the colonoscopy does not reveal any abnormality. It detects a polyp in 30 to 40% of cases and cancer in 8% of cases” refers to the Institute.
