Dear life, the government is betting on the basket at controlled prices

Dear life the government is betting on the basket at

(Finance) – The Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Adolfo bearis working on a basket at controlled prices with more widely consumed goods such as pasta, rice, milk, eggs, oil. The measure should come together with an intervention against the distorting practices of the market companies aerial. “My commitment these days is to face theinflationwhich is shrinking, but must accelerate its descent, so as not to become structural”, explained Minister Adolfo Urso before a series of meetings in which he met companies in the pasta supply chain, large-scale distribution and the realities of childhood products.

“A discussion has begun that should lead us to an understanding with the great distributionbut we must also involve the system productive“, declared Urso the minister at the end of the meetings. “I think that in the next week – he added – we will get to the heart of this discussion to formally reach aunderstood that can allow citizens to perceive a significant reduction in the prices of the most consumed goods”. “We have made a proposal concerning a agreement that can allow us to campaign with a basket with a series of controlled products“, Urso explained, adding that “this adds to the social card initiative for the most needy families”.

With June inflation down to 6.4%, the prices of the so-called “shopping cart” (the set of goods that includes food and home and personal care products) recorded a slowdown in trend growth (+10.5%). Despite the values ​​of compartment food have slowed down slightly continue to show a particularly “hot” trend. Overall, on a trend level, the prices of goods food fell from +11.4% in May to +10.7%, essentially due to the slowdown in the prices of processed products (from +13.2% to +11.5%), only partly offset by the acceleration in the prices of unprocessed food (from +8.8% to +9.4%).

Next week the confrontation could get underway to reach an agreement with large-scale retailers on a basket of products that could allow citizens to perceive a “significant” reduction in prices, in the hopes of the minister. The project about consumer products it should also involve producers. In addition, others may also join exercises commercial. For Absolute users the initiative is an “important success”, recalling how in the last year food prices have increased by 846 euros of higher spending per family. Suspend the judgment insteadNational Consumer Union which sees possible risks, such as for example that the price of some products is frozen at a time when they should start to fall instead.

(Photo: Markus Winkler on Unsplash)
