Dear flights, the government intervenes to bring down super fares

Dear flights the government intervenes to bring down super fares

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – It is an alarm for the expensive flights in Italyespecially considering that the larger increases they registered on the islands, Sicily and Sardinia, where the institution of territorial continuity also applies. And so the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Adolfo Ursoannounced a regulatory intervention after summoning the airlines and rejecting the justifications of the carriers on expensive fuel.

It all started with the surge in travelwhich has made the cost of flights: they register average increases of 40% compared to 2022, based on the latest Istat survey, with peaks above 70% on flights to Sicily and Sardinia. Numbers confirmed by Guarantor for price surveillance Benedict Mineo.

“Those who buy a plane ticket today to go in August in Sardinia must take into account one expenditure that can reach almost 1,000 euros between round trip if you embark from Naples, as much as the cost of an intercontinental flight”, denounces the Codacons, but the situation is also serious for the routes from Rome and Milan to Venice, Palermo, Catania and Cagliari. “Flight fares are out of control and now, despite the government’s intervention, the summer of the Italians is completely compromised”, notes the Codacons, announced battles before the Antitrust.

“Ahead of the summer holidays, we have seen significant increases in airline ticket prices, with increases of between 20% and 50%, and peaks of 70%, despite the slowdown in fuel prices.”, they explain Adoc, Assoutenti, Federconsumatoridefining this “unacceptable” trend.

THEMinister Urso, last week, ha summoned the seven major airlines operating in Italy, asking them for explanations. But the justification of expensive fuel has certainly not convinced the owner of Mimit, since the price of jet fuel is now down by about 45% compared to last year. For this we think of one “unfair practice” on the basis of which, when the plane is almost full, a mechanism very similar to an auction would be triggered, which would cause the ticket price to rise dramatically.

Urso then defined the “unacceptable” increases and decided to intervene at the regulatory levelin concert with Minister Salvini, to modify the algorithm that allows determining the price of airline tickets.
