Dear energy, Confindustria Sanità: alarm for the holding of the National Health System

Dear energy Confindustria Sanita alarm for the holding of the

(Finance) – Confindustria Assosistema is deeply concerned about the dramatic situation that the sector is experiencing, following the uncontrolled rise in the prices of energy, gas and raw materials, aggravated by the recent conflict in Ukraine. The director Matteo Nevi he declared: “Both the public and private healthcare sector to which our companies provide essential and non-deferrable services, such as the rental and sanitization of linen, uniforms and kits for operating rooms, is at serious risk of being sealed. Our companies are no longer able to sustain the price increases bills Of gas and power and the costs of raw materials to continue to carry out the daily service which, I recall, is indispensable and irreplaceable for the functioning of public and private health, nursing homes, rsa and first aid throughout the national territory “.

“As an Association we will also write to prefects to announce the possible service reductions aimed at the health sector. Are approximately 110,000 beds that could no longer be used in hospitals and emergency rooms, 400,000,000 operators who will have to work without the necessary protections and at risk are also surgical interventions which in 2019 alone counted a figure equal to 4 million – he added -. In the absence of a government intervention in this sector that is aimed at limiting the costs of energy and gas, there will, unfortunately, also have serious repercussions on citizens and on the fight against the spread of Covid. The situation becomes decidedly dramatic if we consider the values ​​of 2019 compared to which, in energy and gas measurements, increases of + 650% and, even, of + 1080% respectively for gas (10 times the price of 2019 ), with an impact of approximately + 30% on the overall service costs of an industrial laundry “.

“We also point out that companies will soon have to deal with a rationing resources and raw material because of the increasingly difficult and lengthy supplies that are occurring in this period – said Nava -. The situation of our sector was also noted in its gravity by theANAC which asked the Government for a structural intervention to revise the prices of public procurement also for supplies and services, expressly citing wash-hire as one of the sectors in which the regular operation of many economic operators and the relative resilience is at risk of public and private health facilities. If the service of our companies were, therefore, to suffer a sharp reduction, we would all pay the consequences, since it is the functioning of such a primary asset and of public utility, such as the guarantee of health and health care ”.

“What we are asking the government for is immediate action if the public service linked to the hospital sector is to be saved. For this we have sent to the Ministry of Health and to the presidency of Cabinet an urgent request for a meeting because time is not playing in our favor ”, he concluded.
