Dear bills, Bombers: do more, we need to deviate an imbalance

Dear bills Bombers do more we need to deviate an

(Finance) – With galloping inflation and the cost of energy skyrocketing “we proposed to start giving an advance to those waiting for the renewal of the contract”, but “Bonomi disagrees “. This was stated by the leader of UIL, Pierpaolo Bombers, in Agorà underlining that “seven million workers have expired contracts”.

The number one of the Uil then said that by removing article 18 “we have not had more investments in work and the power of real wages has decreased”. Bombardieri added that “the pandemic continues to leave rubble: precariousness, 1,200 deaths at work in 2021 and wage power that continues to decline “.

The union leader finally re-launched the proposal for “abolish fixed-term contractsas happened in Spain “and highlighted” the mistake that the Government continues to make: it continues to give money to companies without any conditionality “.
