Deadpool & Wolverine achieves what no other film in the history of cinema has ever achieved

Deadpool Wolverine achieves what no other film in the

The hype surrounding Deadpool & Wolverine has paid off immediately at the box office. Since its launch last week, the Marvel blockbuster about the bickering superhero duo has set intoxicating box office records. Financially, Deadpool’s first foray into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is likely to be a mega hit.

Deadpool & Wolverine is the most successful R-rated film of all time in the USA

As the Hollywood Reporter reports, Deadpool & Wolverine has already grossed over 438 million dollars worldwide. The blockbuster, which cost over 200 million dollars, got off to a fantastic start.

In the USA, the film is even the highest grossing film in the world, with a box office of 205 million dollars (not adjusted for inflation). most successful theatrical release of an R-rated film (rated 16 or 18 in Germany) in the history of cinema. It is also the eighth most successful cinema release of all time.

Watch another trailer for Deadpool & Wolverine here:

Deadpool & Wolverine – Final Trailer (German) HD

The success story of Deadpool & Wolverine is probably just beginning. If the Marvel film continues like this, the Billion mark definitely not a problem for the blockbuster.

Will Deadpool 4 come after the success of the new film?

There is no official statement about the future of Deadpool yet. Ryan Reynolds recently made cautious and humorous comments about another film in the series. The financial success of Deadpool & Wolverine will Interested in a sequel but certainly also ignite in the studio.

In the near future, there will certainly be more concrete information about the status of Deadpool 4. Since the current film is called Deadpool & Wolverine, the next part could also be called Deadpool 3.

The 7 most expensive Netflix films of all time

Netflix invests unimaginable sums in its original films, but the question often arises: where on earth did the money go? And was the effort really worth it? In this edition of our Moviepilot podcast Streamgestöber we look at the most expensive films in Netflix history.

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