deadly violence continues in Darfur

deadly violence continues in Darfur

In Sudan, deadly violence again bloodied Darfur province this week. It has now been two years since tribal clashes have regularly resumed in this desert region in the west of the country. They have even worsened due to the security vacuum created by the October 2021 coup. Communities of pastoralists and farmers clash in a series of attacks and reprisals around the control of land, pastures and water points.

The macabre scenario repeated itself once again this week. Armed men ride camels and motorbikes into a village, burn houses and kill those in their way. Shops are looted and the security forces arrive too late to contain the killings.

This time, it was Wednesday in the village of Amouri, then in localities around, the following days. The official SUNA agency speaks of seven dead, when a medical source, quoted by AFP, says that eleven bodies have been brought, at this stage, to the hospital in Nyala, the capital of South Darfur. But she also warned that the fighting continues and that the toll must certainly be heavier.

The old conflicts between Arab communities from which originated the Janjawid paramilitaries commanded by the number 2 of the ruling junta in Khartoum, General Hemeti, and the non-Arab communities of sedentary farmers had subsided somewhat over the years. But the cycle of attacks and reprisals around access to water and pasture, as well as the settlement of exploitable territories, has resumed more violently in recent years, and in particular thanks to the confusion born of the coup. of State of October 25, 2021.

Read also: Sudan: more than 100 dead in violence in Darfur
