Deadly fighting in Kashmir

Deadly fighting in Kashmir
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fullscreen Paramilitary Indian forces in Srinagar, in the Indian-administered part of Kashmir. The picture was taken in a different context in September this year. Photo: Mukhtar Khan/AP/TT

Deadly firefights have taken place between Indian soldiers and rebels in disputed Kashmir, according to Indian sources.

Four Indian soldiers and a person said to be part of an armed separatist group have been killed, according to a source in India’s military.

The fighting flared up on Wednesday around the town of Rajaori, near the demarcation line that separates India and Pakistan in the disputed mountainous region. According to the military source, it happened in connection with Indian soldiers searching through a forest area where armed rebels were said to be staying.

India’s military officially announces that fighting has taken place and that a fighting rebel, identified as Pakistani, has been killed.

The two nuclear powers India and Pakistan each control a part of Kashmir, but both claim the entire area. Since 1989, mainly Muslim groups have taken up arms against Indian rule.
