De’ Longhi, share buyback starts tomorrow

De Longhi share buyback starts tomorrow

(Finance) – De’ Longhi announced that starting tomorrow January 16th will come started a share buyback programmewithin the terms authorized by the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on 19 April 2024.

The program is aimed at providing funding in relation to present and future compensation plans based on financial instruments, as well as for other purposes authorized by the aforementioned Assembly.

The share buyback will have a maximum duration of 6 monthsfor a amount of approx. 60 million Of euro (equal to approximately 1.4% of the share capital at current prices) and within the maximum limit of the number of shares referred to in the shareholders’ authorization, without prejudice to the cases of early termination. The purchase price cannot exceed 45 euros per share. The program will be coordinated by Goldman Sachs International, which will carry out the purchases in full independence.

As of today, January 15, the Company does not hold its own shares directly or through subsidiaries, trusts or third parties.

In Piazza Affari, today, a fractional increase for the Home appliance manufacturerwhich achieved a modest profit of +1.11%.
