De Lise (Ungdcec): accountants become an active part of a fairer and more sustainable tax system

De Lise Ungdcec accountants become an active part of a

(Finance) – “The category of accountants, also by exploiting the Circular system, becomes an active part in making its own proposals to politics and building a fairer and more sustainable tax system. There is a lot to do to set up a system that is funds on simplification and rationalization, with the aim of giving breathing space to families and businesses, leading to a rise in consumption. The tax delegation is a step forward, but we also expect an acceleration in collection, a problem that remains unsolved: reducing interest and recovery of a stranded loan could be a solution to create extra revenue that supports a corporate fabric that is in a difficult situation. A fabric that must be protected and encouraged by reducing the tax burden and setting the conditions for greater productivity”. She stated it Matteo De Lise, president of the National Union of Young Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts, closing the national UNGDCEC conferenceYoung accountants, future protagonists of sustainability“, which brought together around a thousand professionals from all over Italy in Genoa.

“Our profession must be sustainable first and foremost. It must be sustainable above all for young people, and it is they who really need fair compensation”, he stated Andrea De Bertoldi, Finance Commission of the Chamber of Deputies. “The law may be perfectible, but it allows us to have greater contractual power with customers. After the approval of the law on the deferral of tax deadlines for professionals, which I had the honor of carrying forward in the past legislature, the objective is to include the deferral of deadlines also for professional mothers with sick children in the next Budget Law”.

Second Luigi Marattin, Budget, Treasury and Planning commission of the Chamber of Deputies“the fiscal delegation is an opportunity to be exploited. For the first time in years we have a fiscal delegation in the Official Journal, operational, a work that has largely taken its cue from that of the previous legislature and which we voted for with conviction. it was a good job of sharing also with professionals, but now we need to judge the results and we will be vigilant, because this is a great opportunity to simplify taxation”.

They also spoke at the event in connection Antonio Misianivice-president of the Budget Commission of the Senate of the Republic, ed Ettore Rosatomember of the Foreign and Community Affairs commission at Montecitorio.

“ESG investments represent a necessity for the business world – he underlined Andrea Perusin, regional director of Southern Piedmont and Liguria Intesa Sanpaolo -. The economy is completely transforming to become more sustainable and businesses are called upon to invest to be present. Intesa Sanpaolo is working to spread skills among entrepreneurs through a series of initiatives, including the creation of ESG laboratories and assistance in winning public tenders. The objective is to tell how the company can benefit from investments in terms of sustainability. Furthermore, within the PNRR, Intesa Sanpaolo has allocated a loan ceiling of 410 billion, of which 270 in favor of businesses. We want to accompany the country system to significant growth.”
