(Finance) – “The bill approved yesterday by Cabinet, which introduces provisions for the enhancement, promotion and protection of Made in Italy, is an initiative of high social and economic value aimed at the development of the country, to which the food industry can make a great contribution”. The President of Federalimentare stated in a note, Paul Mascarin. “Of great importance – underlines Mascarino – is the establishment of the Sovereign Fund in support of strategic supply chains, to which food companies can also resort, in particular for exports, which still has ample room for growth”.
“Another aspect of great importance – observes Mascarino – are the measures undertaken to protect our products and our food culture, including the promotion of NutrInform Battery, the scientifically based alternative to the discriminatory traffic light labels proposed by other countries; quality certification in favor of Italian restaurants abroad; support for female entrepreneurship, the fund for the protection of certifications IIGG and support for the national trade fair system, which we hope will include the two major food fairs, Cibus And Allfood”.
“To commute matter first in products with an extraordinary, unique and inimitable taste – continues the President of Federalimentare – it is not a skill that can be bought on the market. The three articles dedicated to training (Made in Italy high school, transfer of skills and Foundation on businesses and skills) will make it possible to transfer to new generations the know-how of our entrepreneurs, a real competitive advantage to be valued and protected”.
“The sector industrial food – concludes Mascarino – wants to continue to make an important contribution to the development of the country. Italy needs a great alliance for growth involving the public and private sectors, and this bill is a concrete step in this direction”.