DC wants to beat Marvel with Masterplan, but that’s not going to happen

DC wants to beat Marvel with Masterplan but thats not

The bad news surrounding Warner and DC just won’t let up. Most recently, the studio’s vision with a new 10-year plan still sounded like an optimistic view of the future big competitor Marvel finally in distress bring to.

However, DC lacks a heavyweight like Kevin Feige in the MCU at the top. As has now been reported, Negotiations with a candidate failed in the shortlist for the position.

Check out Yves’ ranking of all DCEU films here:

According to The Suicide Squad: We Rank All DCEU Movies | Ranking

DC is still looking for a new lead

The Hollywood Reporter reports that negotiations with Dan Lin for the top position at DC Films have collapsed. The producer, among other things involved in the new IT adaptations and The Lego Batman Movie was will not take the place of current executive Walter Hamada.

Weeks ago it was reported that Hamada was about to leave DC as he was dissatisfied with the latest developments following the merger of WarnerMedia and Discovery. One of the most controversial decisions of recent times is the complete deletion of the finished Batgirl film.

At the beginning of August, Warner Discovery boss David Zaslav presented a new 10-year plan for DC, which should resemble Kevin Feige’s successful concept in the MCU. So far, start dates have been set for the upcoming blockbusters Black Adam, Shazam 2: Fury of the Gods, Aquaman: Lost Kingdom and The Flash. A Joker sequel with Lady Gaga is already planned. Otherwise, DC is still missing a new line for the plan against Marvel.

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