day under tension after the call to demonstrate this Saturday

day under tension after the call to demonstrate this Saturday

Despite the suspension of mobile Internet and the ban on demonstrations, the opposition and part of civil society on Friday maintained their call to march this Saturday for peace and against the security policy of the government.

On Thursday night, President Roch Marc Christian Kaboré addressed the nation. He announced several measures including a cabinet reshuffle and asked the Burkinabè for more solidarity in the name of social cohesion. Despite these words, some have announced that they want to defy the ban on demonstrations.

This Saturday, any gathering in the streets of Ouagadougou will be dispersed. The mayor of the city warned, in a statement released this week, the police and the gendarmerie are mobilized to prevent a demonstration.

We just wanna say we’re fed up »Explains Henri Ouattara, from the board of the popular movement Save Burkina Faso, member of C27, the Coalition of November 27th. And that we do not come to reproach them for undermining the social cohesion of the country. ” Roch uses this argument as a shield, continues Henri Ouattara, if he is so attached to social cohesion, that he himself takes strong measures “.

In a statement released Friday, Eddie Komboigo provides support to citizens ” who fight for the restoration of security in Burkina “. The leader of the opposition even invites the police and gendarmes “ to stand on the side of the people, and to frame the event with professionalism.

Other civil society organizations such as the Citizen’s Broom will not work today. ” We think this will add crisis to crisis », Explains Smockey, his spokesperson. But if the government does not raise the bar, the movement is considering actions within the democratic framework.

