Datrix, the half-yearly loss widens. The offer has been reshaped

Datrix the half yearly loss widens The offer has been reshaped

(Finance) – Datrixa company listed on Euronext Growth Milan and active in the development of Augmented Analytics solutions and services based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Models, closed on first half of 2023 with consolidated revenues equal to 7 million euros, substantially in line with those of the same period of the previous year (7.1 million euros in 1H2022), driven mainly by the organic growth of the Data Monetization (+73%) and Machine Learning Model Serving for lines Industrial (+59%), as well as the contribution of the acquisition of Aramis for 0.1 million euros.

L’Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA is equal to -0.8 million euros (-0.9 million euros in 1H2022), margin on revenues improving at -12% compared to the same period of the previous year (-13% in 1H2022). The consolidated net result is equal to -2.5 million euros (-1.6 million euros in the first half of 2022).

“The results of the first half of the year confirm our ability to execute the strategic development plan driven, in particular, by the significant organic growth with a focus on international markets, by the completion of the integration process of the acquired companies and above all by the increasingly clear signals arriving from the Artificial Intelligence market which confirm a growing interest on the part of business operators of all sizes in adopting our solutions – commented the CEO Fabrizio Milano of Aragon – The signed contracts and the commercial pipeline on existing customers and new customers highlight that Datrix is ​​increasingly an active protagonist of this transformative market for the entire economic and industrial fabric”.

“To seize this incredible opportunity more and more effectively, starting from the first half of 2023, the Datrix group has a new organizational structure for offering was implemented divided into two strategic areas, AI for Data Monetization and AI for Industrial and Business Process, which represent the market segments with the highest speed of transformation and transition to the Artificial Intelligence paradigm – he added – The new organization of offering model will drive the expected acceleration of turnover and EBITDA in the second half of the year.”
