Dates for the Community Days in June, July and August have been set

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Every month there is a Community Day in Pokémon GO. The dates for the C-Days in June, July and August have now been set. We at MeinMMO show you which days you should mark in your calendar and which monsters the community is hoping for.

Which event is it about? In Pokémon GO, a special event is held for the trainers every month in the form of a community day. The focus is always on a specific Pokémon, which is why it spawns more frequently during the event period. There will be events like this again in June, July and August.

When are the next Community Days? As Pokémon GO announced on its website, the C-Day dates for the coming season have been set. It is best to keep the following days free in June, July and August:

  • Saturday 25 June 2022
  • Sunday 17 July 2022
  • Saturday 13 August 2022
  • However, Niantic has not yet announced a specific time window. Most recently, the times around the Community Days were reduced from 6 hours to 3 hours. Since the last two C-Days ran either from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. local time or from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time, the planned dates will probably also be based on these times.

    Which monsters await you at the Community Days?

    It is not yet known which monsters will be the focus of the Community Days in June, July and August. In the past, however, the theme of the respective season played a major role in the choice of Pokémon for C-Day.

    However, the Alola season ends on June 1st, 2022 and nothing more is known about the upcoming season. Nevertheless, the trainers in the reddit community already have precise ideas about which Pokémon they would like for the Community Days.

    Which Pokémon are the trainers hoping for?

    Since Niantic has so far kept the information about the Pokémon about the upcoming C-Days covered, the trainers of the reddit community are busy speculating which ones it could be.

    The dark and dragon Pokémon Kapuno, which is usually only rarely caught in the game, is particularly popular. But other monsters, such as Staralili or the starters from the 6th generation, can also be found in the suggestions (via

  • TheChaoticCrusader: “I’ll take a guess and assume Kapuno for June and Gen 6 Plant Starters for July based on what they’ve done in the past, August no clue. But I could also be wrong about that.”
  • fillmorecounty: “Please let it be Kapuno that Shiny is so rare it spawns rare so it’s pretty much exclusive to 12km eggs”
  • GaryFahrenheit: “I keep seeing people suggest that Kapuno is in June to emulate last year’s Kaumalat, but I’d bet July to give some distance to GO Fest, which is a month earlier this year. “
  • Jordaroo92: “If we get the Kalos Starter Community Days this year and assume December C-Day will be a mix of everything like previous years, Igamaro must come out in June or July. That way we get Fynx in August/September and Proxy in October or November.”
  • krispyboiz: “I keep hearing rumors that Staralili is in June’s C-Day. Did some content creator leak it to anyone lol?”
  • It remains to be seen which monsters you can actually look forward to in the next 3 months. As soon as there is new information about this, you will of course find out from us on MeinMMO.

    Will you take part in the planned Community Days? Or are you less interested in such events? And what monsters are you hoping for in June, July and August? Let us know in the comments and discuss the topic with other trainers here on MeinMMO.

    In a few days one of the biggest highlights in Pokémon GO will take place. We’ll show you all the information about the ticket, the spawns and the most important content you should know about the GO Fest 2022.
