dates and times by academy… The notes are finally arriving!

dates and times by academy The notes are finally arriving

The baccalaureate results are finally here, after a long wait for all candidates for the exam. On Monday, July 8, the academies will send out the grades… at different times!

The beginning of July has its great ritual: that of the exam results, which are communicated by the academies to all candidates. The baccalaureate result is undoubtedly the most anticipated, since the baccalaureate is the diploma that opens the doors to higher education.

The results of the 2024 baccalaureate will be published on Monday, July 8, 2024, in all the establishments in France where the candidates took their exams. There is actually one exception to this date: the results of the baccalaureate in the small academy of Mayotte are already accessible (and can be consulted from this page via the search engine).

On Monday, July 8, all candidates for the 2024 baccalaureate will be able to access the results of the tests taken as part of the national exam: those of the specialty tests, the philosophy test and the grand oral. All their grades and their precise average grade are transmitted to the examination centers. The baccalaureate results are also available on this date here, free of charge.

Monday, July 8, 2024, the academies will publish the baccalaureate results from midday, unlike usual where the results are released between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. This particularity is due to the fact that the 2024 baccalaureate results are communicated this year on a Monday: the academies must organize themselves so that candidates can access the results panels and receive their paper diploma from the staff of the establishments. Here are the times when the baccalaureate results are released according to the academies.

Please note that the baccalaureate results of the second group, made up of students who took the oral resit exams, will be communicated from Tuesday, July 9 to Thursday, July 11, 2024 until 5:00 p.m. The baccalaureate results of candidates taking the September session will be available from the end of September 2024.

The results of the French baccalaureate advance exams have been announced in the first half of July. Their publication times are given on the websites of the various academies. Candidates can consult their results online on the website of their academy by logging in with their personal identifier. They also receive their transcript by mail.

What were the subjects… and the correct answers for the 2024 baccalaureate?

Candidates for the 2024 baccalaureate have not made the same choices about the tests to take: since the last major reform of this exam, final year students have had to choose two specialty tests. Their baccalaureate results depend greatly on their knowledge of the chosen disciplines. The subjects that fell this year in the subjects most chosen by candidates can be found below

Will the 2024 baccalaureate pass rate be as high as in the previous edition? The historic record is for the year 2021, when the Covid crisis had considerably altered exams and learning conditions. This year, the results were spectacularly good, with 95% success for the general track, 89% for the technical baccalaureate and 82% for the professional baccalaureate.

Baccalaureate results – History
YearGeneral baccalaureate success rate in %Baccalaureate techno pass rate in %Professional baccalaureate success rate in %

As a reminder, you must have obtained a grade equal to or higher than 10/20 to obtain the baccalaureate. Beyond that, some can obtain a distinction.

*Each candidate must expressly authorize at the beginning of the year the publication of his name on approved websites, via a signed document, to appear in these results. Not all baccalaureate candidates therefore appear on our lists. The names of candidates who failed the first session or who are subject to resit are also only available on an individual basis.

It is important to keep in mind that each candidate’s grades are completely confidential and as such, they can be found on the Cyclades space of the official website of the ministry, by entering their username and password.

If the baccalaureate results on the Internet allow you to know directly whether you have been admitted or not, with or without distinction, candidates for the 2024 baccalaureate must also go to an examination center to collect their diploma and their report card, or to find out more about the procedure to follow in the event of a resit or failure.
