date, protocol, issues… A ceremony for nothing?

date protocol issues A ceremony for nothing

MACRON INSTALLMENT. We finally know the date of the investiture ceremony of Emmanuel Macron. The Head of State will begin his second term on May 7, following a lighter protocol.

She was expected it is now known. The official date for the start of Emmanuel Macron’s second term has just been set. Indeed, the investiture ceremony of the President of the Republic has been set for Saturday May 7, 2022. This event will be a bit special, since it is only the third time in the history of the Fifth Republic that it has not there will be no transfer of power. Emmanuel Macron therefore joins François Mitterrand (in 1988) and Jacques Chirac (in 2002). Thus, the usual protocol planned for a new installation at the Elysée should be considerably lightened. Above all, the ceremony will allow an acceleration of the political calendar to come. Because once reinvested, Emmanuel Macron should appoint his new Prime Minister, then, in the wake (or almost), the new government. “We must first complete this mandate” before proceeding with the renewal of the ministers, had indicated the Head of State during a trip to the Hautes-Pyrénées on Friday April 29, 2022. The “Macron 2” presidency should therefore be in place within a week.

When will Emmanuel Macron’s inauguration ceremony take place?

Mysterious on the subject since his re-election, Emmanuel Macron ended up deciding. Responsible for setting the timetable for his reinvestment himself, the President of the Republic could, at the latest, schedule it on Saturday May 14, 2022, the end of his first term ending the day before. He finally decided not to wait so long. Emmanuel Macron will once again be officially proclaimed President of the Republic on Saturday May 7, 2022, revealed RTL. A date confirmed by several media, including BFM TV, LCI or Le Figaro If the time has not yet been specified by the Elysée, it seems that the ceremony will take place at the end of the morning.

Unlike 2017 when it was an investiture ceremony leading to a transfer of power between François Hollande and Emmanuel Macron, the scenario will be much more simplified in 2022. Indeed, already a tenant of the Elysée, Emmanuel Macron will not cross the courtyard of the Elysée as is customary for an elected president, thus joining his predecessor waiting for him on the steps. The red carpet should therefore not be rolled out on the gravel of the palace. Emmanuel Macron should go directly to the Salle des Fêtes de l’Elysée, the place where all the investiture ceremonies have taken place since Charles de Gaulle’s victory in 1958.

Many guests will be present, starting with the presidents of the National Assembly (Richard Ferrand) and the Senate (Gérard Larcher), but especially Laurent Fabius, the president of the Constitutional Council, who will proclaim the official victory speech of the head of the state. After being presented with the large collar of the Order of the Legion of Honor, Emmanuel Macron will then speak before reviewing the Republican Guard, in the gardens of the presidential palace. The ceremony could end with a cannonade with 21 cannon shots fired from the Invalides. In 1988 and 2002, François Mitterrand and Jacuqes Chirac refused this ritual. Thereafter, Emmanuel Macron should go to a hospital, at the bedside of wounded soldiers, as in 2017. At the time, the new President of the Republic had moved to the Percy military hospital in Clamart (Hauts-de -Seine).

An investiture ceremony, what for?

While Emmanuel Macron has been re-elected President of the Republic, the question of the interest of an investiture ceremony arises, the Head of State being already in office. But as in 1988 and 2002, a whole solemn protocol must be respected in order to officially open the new five-year term. However, during the previous two, neither pomp nor grandeur were on the agenda. Sobriety and speed were essential. Twenty years ago, Jacques Chirac had the ceremony expedited: 15 minutes watch in hand.

If it seems trivial, this meeting is nevertheless an opportunity to convey messages during the speeches. Thus, during his victory in 2002, Jacques Chirac had not hesitated to congratulate himself on a “failure of the temptation of extremism” after the heavy defeat of Jean-Marie Le Pen, adding the caps to be given to his five-year term, between “national cohesion”, “reinforced solidarity”, “equal rights” or even “state authority”. Emmanuel Macron will he reiterate for his part his remarks of 2017 on “France [qui] doubt of itself” or on “the power of France [qui] is not declining”?
