date confirmed, Eid is for Monday

date confirmed Eid is for Monday

RAMADAN 2022. The end date of Ramadan and the date of Eid-el-Fitr were communicated around 7 p.m., this Saturday, April 30, by the Great Mosque of Paris, following the consultation of the night of doubt. Eid will take place on Monday May 2, as originally announced…

7:28 p.m. – Paris Mosque and CFCM announce the same date for the end of Ramadan

While the French Council of Muslim Worship (CFCM), had already recorded the date of Eid el-Fitr, the Great Mosque of Paris specifies that “seven national Muslim federations, meeting in a religious commission”, have validated this date. Fortunately, the two instances end on the same date this year: that of May 2. It has happened in the past that several authorities do not give the same dates for Ramadan and its end, causing trouble among Muslims in France. This will not be the case for this end of the fast.

19:22 – For the end of Ramadan, the amount of Zakat Al Fitr fixed at 7 euros

On the occasion of the end of Ramadan, every believing Muslim must pay “the alms of the break”, the zakat. The theological commission of the Great Mosque of Paris has assessed its amount for this year at 7 euros. This amount is to be paid by any fasting head of family before the Eid el Fitr prayer. Remember that according to the rules set for practicing Muslims, the father of the family must pay 7 euros per person in the household, wife and children. This alms must be given to the poor, it can be entrusted to a mosque, which will take care of distributing it.

19:17 – What is the “Hijri calendar”?

The Muslim calendar, based on the lunar cycle, is called the “Hijri calendar”. Ramadan is its ninth month. The term “Hijri refers to the Hijri of the Prophet of the Muslims, Muhammad, from Mecca to Medina”.

19:10 – The Grand Mosque of Paris will organize two prayers on Monday

The Grand Mosque of Paris will organize two prayers Monday, May 2 for the day of Eid, it says on its website. A first at 8 a.m. and a second at 8:45 a.m. The Mosque of Paris thus intends to take account of the crowds and thus wishes to be able to welcome the faithful in the best conditions.

19:04 – The date of Eid confirmed by the Mosque of Paris

The Great Mosque of Paris announces the date of Aid El Fitr 2022-1443 / H this Monday, May 2, 2022. the press release was published a few minutes ago by the institution.

19:01 – Ramadan is not strictly speaking a holy month for believers

The month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam, but it is not a holy month for Muslims. The period is blessed for believers, but four other months are said to be “sacred”: Muharram (1st), Rajab (7th), Dhul-Qidah (11th) and Dhul-Hijjah (12th). Thus, during these months, observing good behavior is even more important for practitioners. During the month of Muharram, Muslims commemorate the Hegira; Rajab celebrates the night journey of Mohammed from Mecca to Jerusalem; during Dhul-Qidah fighting is forbidden; and during Dhul-Hijjah takes place the pilgrimage to Mecca.

19:00 – Which countries align with Saudi Arabia’s announcements?

For the end as for the beginning of Ramadan, many countries are aligning themselves with the Saudi announcements concerning the observation of the crescent of moon of Ramadan: Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belgium, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Chechnya, Denmark, Finland, Georgia , Hungary, Iceland, Iraq (Sunnis follow Saudi Arabia), Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Palestine, Netherlands, Palestine, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Togo, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, UK Kingdom, Uzbekistan and Yemen. This is also very often the case with Muslims in France.

18:58 – What are the other “pet names” of Eid al-Fitr?

The feast of Eid el-Fitr, celebration of the end of Ramadan, is also sometimes called “aïd as-Seghir”, “the little party”, in opposition to “the other aïd”. Eid el-Kebir, “the great feast”, alias Eid el-Adha, is the “feast of sacrifice”. The most important of the Muslim holidays, it is celebrated in July this year, and commemorates, according to Muslim tradition, the sacrifice requested by God from Abraham to test his faith.

18:49 – What makes ‘night of fate’ different from ‘night of doubt’?

Be careful not to confusenight of fate” and “night of doubt / announcement”. These two events are very different (but related) for Muslim believers. Occurring between the 26th and 27th day of Ramadan, the night of destiny, or Laylat Al-Qadr, symbolizes the night when the revelation of the Koran was made to Muhammad, but also the prophet’s night journey to the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. the start date of Ramadan, but also represents in a broad sense all the nights marking the end of a lunar month in the Muslim calendar.

6:30 p.m. – The official start time of the “night of doubt” has come!

A traditional lunar observation of the “night of doubt” is, as a reminder, devoted to the validation of the end date of Ramadan 2022 / 1443. It is officially scheduled for precisely 6:30 p.m. at the Grand Mosque of Paris this Saturday, April 30.

18:16 – Does Eid al-Fitr have other names?

The Eid al-Fitr feast is also sometimes called “aïd as-Seghir”, “the little party”, as opposed to “the other aïd”. Eid el-Kebir, “the great feast”, alias Eid el-Adha, is the “feast of sacrifice”. The most important of the Muslim holidays, it is celebrated in July this year, and commemorates, according to Muslim tradition, the sacrifice requested by God from Abraham to test his faith.

18:08 – Several Muslim countries in turn announce the end date of Ramadan

After Saudi Arabia, several countries have also announced the end date of Ramadan. Turkey, Iraq and Qatar follow the same announcements regarding the sighting of the Ramadan crescent moon: Sunday May 1 is the last day of Ramadan and Monday will be Eid al-Fitr.

5:53 p.m. – The end date of Ramadan 2022 “will be announced at 6:45 p.m.”, according to the Grand Mosque of Paris

The Great Mosque of Paris has just published on its Facebook page the schedule for announcing the end date of Ramadan 2022/1443 after the lunar observation of the Night of Doubt. “The religious commission made up of imams and representatives of several federations will meet at the Great Mosque of Paris,” she said. “The end of Ramadan 2022 will be announced around 6:45 p.m. live”.

17:35 – Ramadan 2022 ends this Sunday, May 1 in Saudi Arabia

The Saudi Muslim Committee could not observe the crescent moon. As a result, Sunday May 1 is the last day of Ramadan and Monday will be Eid al-Fitr. In France, the Great Mosque of Paris has given the same dates for the end of Ramadan and Eid 2022. But it is still organizing this Saturday at the end of the afternoon a “night of doubt”, to determine by looking the sky if the lunar month begins on Sunday or Monday.

17:17 – In Australia, the date of Eid al-Fitr is known

Australia’s National Council of Imams has released an official statement announcing Eid al-Fitr this Saturday, April 30. According to this press release, Sunday, May 1, 2022 will be the last day of the month of Ramadan, and Eid will take place on Monday, May 2, 2022.


The Great Mosque of Paris, which is associated with the Coordination made up of the four Muslim Federations (FFAIACA, GMP, MF and RMF), removed the doubt this Saturday, with the organization of a “night of doubt”. But the CFCM has already indicated that the end of Ramadan was for Sunday May 1. This year, the Grand Mosque of Paris had indicated exactly the same thing in a press release published in March, writing that Eid al-Fitr, the end of Ramadan celebration, takes place on May 2. But the said Coordination wished to follow the tradition of the observation of the Moon to confirm this position.

Eid al-Fitr is one of the most important holidays for observant Muslims. As every year, the breaking of the fast is celebrated on this occasion by Muslims, between friends, families and relatives and marked by an important prayer in the morning. For Eid 2022, it has been recommended by the Mosque of Paris that the Zakat, ie alms for breaking the fast, be 7 euros.

Two methods coexist in France to determine the beginning of the month of Ramadan: traditional lunar observation and astronomical calculations. In its statement of March 15, the Coordination of National Muslim Federations (FFAICA, GMP, MF and RMF) meeting at the Great Mosque of Paris, specified that these two methods are “complementary”. She adds on this point that during the “Night of Doubt”, the “Theological Commission of the Coordination (…) takes into consideration the results of the work on the adoption of scientific calculation and universal astronomical data for the determination of the beginning and end of the blessed month of Ramadan”.

Regarding the representation of Muslims in France, an important change took place in March 2021, with the split between the French Council for Muslim Worship, the institution representing the Muslim faith in France and four of its former Muslim federations (the famous FFAIACA, GMP, MF and RMF). Since this thunderclap in the sky of Islam in France, the CFCM has once again relied on scientific data to formalize the dates of Ramadan, several weeks in advance. It is also the modus operandi followed by the Muslim Theological Council of France (CTMF, a body of imams particularly close to the Muslim Brotherhood, but who do not replace the representative bodies).
