Data on explosions in Belarus

Data on explosions in Belarus

Published: Less than 20 min ago

Several explosions occurred at an air base in Belarus on Sunday, several media reports.

A Russian radar reconnaissance plane was reportedly knocked out in the attack, which was carried out using drones.

Lukashenko is said to place the blame on Ukraine.

Neither Belarusian nor Russian authorities have officially commented on the data, but both Kyiv Independent as the exiled Russian newspaper Jellyfish reporting on the explosions.

They both refer to the Belarusian opposition group Bypol and its leader Aliaksandr Azarov.

He states that the attack was carried out with drones shortly before nine in the morning and was aimed at a Russian A-50 radar reconnaissance plane. It was stationed at the Machulishchy military airfield, just south of Minsk, and was damaged in several places, writes the opposition newspaper Nasha Niva.

fullscreenMachulishchy airfield.

Used in the war

The Soviet-built aircraft has an advanced radar system with a range of up to 40 miles and can track 150 targets simultaneously. According to Nasha Niva, Russia has a total of nine such planes that are used to guide Russian missiles to their targets in Ukraine.

After the explosions, both security forces and ambulances are reported to have rushed to the airbase. Motorists were stopped for checks and a helicopter buzzed in the air, writes Nasha Niva.

According to the newspaper Russian military blogger Semyon Pegau – known as War Gonzo – has also confirmed the attack.

fullscreen An A-50 type radar reconnaissance plane.

Aliaksandr Azarov states that Belarusian resistance fighters were behind the bombing, which had been planned for several months.

– They are now safe abroad, he says to the Poland-based Belarusian television station Belsat.

Lukashenko reportedly suspects Ukraine

However, Belarus President Alexandr Lukashenko is said to direct his suspicions against a Ukrainian special unit, writes Nasha Niva. According to the newspaper, security was increased along the border after the explosions.

– We monitor every kilometer to prevent the alleged sabotage troops from returning to Ukraine, a source at the military’s border patrols told the newspaper.

Belarus is not participating in the war, but has ceded its territory to the Russian military.

Starting on Tuesday, Lukashenko will visit China and, among other things, meet President Xi Jinping. According to experts at the American think tank ISW the purpose may be to help Russia and China escape sanctions. The assumption comes against the backdrop of recent information that China is considering sending drones and ammunition to Russia.
