Darmanin and Dati jubilant after the dissolution, this ex-Prime Minister who pleases Macron – L’Express

Darmanin and Dati jubilant after the dissolution this ex Prime Minister

And now, dissolution! This second five-year term is definitely like no other. THE last reshuffle with Gabriel Attal at its head is already far away, European elections have barely ended when the president decides to call legislative elections. More than ever, behind the scenes, some are learning to dodge tripping, others are familiarizing themselves with the art of conspiracy, in short, everyone is preparing for the post-Emmanuel Macron era with rigor and determination.

The L’Express political department offers to help you follow, thanks to a weekly meetingthe progress of those ambitious people who hope to climb, quickly and without injury, the steps of power.

Training against anti-Semitism for elected officials of the new “Popular Front”

If the agreement has not yet been ratified, it is because things are stuck on many points, and not the least. On the distribution of constituencies it goes without saying, but also on the program and in particular the anti-Semitism aspect. Everyone remembers the recent comments of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who created controversy by asserting on his blog that “anti-Semitism remains residual in France”. Change of tone among the rebels in these negotiations, now ready to initial a document which recognizes an “explosion” of anti-Semitism in France, condemns it “wherever it comes from.”

“We made them say things that they never said. It will be written in black and white,” explains a negotiator. There was also a demand for “training” to combat anti-Semitism for elected officials from the Popular Front, whether they are rebellious, green, socialists or communists. A point that upset LFI. It would be recognizing mistakes that they swear they never committed.

Ciotti: LR wants to protect itself legally

The political-judicial guerrilla war has only just begun. Eric Ciotti’s opponents – almost all LR executives – will confirm this Friday the exclusion of the Alpes-Maritimes deputy from the right-wing party, during a new political office, initially planned for this Thursday evening. This “BP” aims to legally secure the sanction already taken on Wednesday during a first BP. But that’s not all. The party could then take legal action so that it takes “enforceable measures” against Eric Ciotti, so that he stops claiming to be president of LR. With the related advantages.

READ ALSO: “He has no moods, because he has no soul”: Eric Ciotti, the reversals of an opportunist

“We have to take legal control,” notes an LR leader. “He’s trying to kill us.” Eric Ciotti also relies on the law. Justice will examine on Friday an appeal filed by the Nice resident against his exclusion from the party.

Hide this Macron that I cannot see

In 2022, Clément Beaune, former advisor to the Elysée, put Emmanuel Macron’s photo on his leaflet for his legislative election in Paris. Not this time ! In his constituency, the former minister faces, among others, an LR candidate… who would be supported by Rachida Dati, the Minister of Culture.

Dati and Darmanin jubilant

Rachida Dati quickly understood how the new political situation could serve her. “She seemed very happy, says a minister. As it is a good policy formed among the LR, she said to herself that dissolution is the right way to kill any potential contender for the mayor of Paris.”

READ ALSO: Rachida Dati’s last maneuver, when Rima Hassan is reframed by Olivier Faure

Gabriel Attal, the Minister of Culture greets you! For his part, Gérald Darmanin is not unhappy either. “He says he can regain the presidency of the Renaissance group in the Assembly and get rid of Attal in Matignon,” says a deputy.

The Elysée notices Cazeneuve

Since Bernard Cazeneuve called for “the gathering of all ardent Republicans to ward off chaos” warning against the alliance of the left with La France insoumise, “contacts have been established with the party” of Emmanuel Macron, according to a close to the president. Would the latter, who has maintained “checkered” relations since 2017, according to the same interlocutor, with the former socialist Prime Minister, be ready to offer him a ministry the day after the legislative elections? “He’s ready to open his arms!” The enthusiasm seems a little less clear when the name of Anne Hidalgo arises in the conversation. However, the mayor of Paris also clearly expressed her disagreement regarding the formation of an alliance with Mélenchon.

Which green woman to face… the green Julien Bayou?

Among the many hot issues of the Popular Front, there is the constituency of ecologist Julien Bayou. The former boss of EELV, who slammed the door of the green house, is under internal investigation for psychological violence. He announced himself as a candidate where he had been largely elected in 2022, in the fifth constituency of Paris. In any case, the Green Party plans to nominate someone else to oppose it. Two names are circulating insistently, and not just any names. Two women, feminist figures, Raphaëlle Remy-Leuleu and Alice Coffin, both elected environmentalists to the Paris council.

Toussaint: being right too soon…

Supporters of Marie Toussaint, head of the EELV list in the European elections (5.5%), are gnashing their teeth. “See Tondelier and Cormand who defended, despite common sense, the autonomous list in the European elections, leading the negotiations for union… It is sure that there is no lack of salt!”, whispers those around him.

READ ALSO: Europeans: behind the union of the left, the fear of ecologists to “collect the crumbs”

Relations between the head of the list and the party leadership became strained throughout the campaign. And through the press, the candidate even threw a few barbs at the boss of the Greens, affirming in several interviews that she “was not the most opposed to a single list”. Something to console ourselves, despite the bad score, for having been right too early…

