Dark Souls 3 servers will be reopening soon

Dark Souls 3 servers will be reopening soon

Dark Souls 3 servers, which have been down for a long time, will open “in their turn”, according to FromSoftware’s statement.

Dark Souls 3 servers are back on FromSoftware’s radar. Dark Souls remained offline until Elden Ring was released, the game servers were expected to open shortly after Elden Ring was released. However, FromSoftware must not have found time to deal with Dark Souls servers amid the Elden Ring chaos.

Dark Souls 3 servers are back in FromSoftware’s focus

In an image shared on reddit earlier this month, a Bandai Namco support team employee shared a message that they are aware of the issue. FromSoftware made the following statements in the message it sent to the PCGamer site:
“We are currently working on re-enabling the online servers of the Dark Souls PC version. We plan to reopen the Dark Souls 3 servers after we have taken the necessary steps to work in order for all 3 games and resolve the issue.”

FromSoftware concluded the email with “We will announce as soon as the server refresh process is finished.” FromSoftware has not announced when the server maintenances will be completed, but since it will be done in order, it can be thought that the Dark Souls 3 servers will open last. Still, the fact that Dark Souls 3 is the most popular of the top 3 Dark Souls games may lead to priority being given to the third game.
