Danish police fear: Swedish gang violence is spreading – motorcycle club in conflict with network linked to Ismail Abdo

At the same time that the Danish authorities are taking measures against the motorcycle gangs, the conflicts between the motorcycle environment and other types of criminal networks seem to be growing. This is what the research company Acta Publica writes in a new report about the criminal motorcycle environment in the Nordics.

The Danish motorcycle club Comanches appear to be involved in a conflict with an international criminal network with links to the Swedish gang leader Ismail Abdo, also known as “The Strawberry”.

Mocked leadership figures in the Comanches

Danish police fear an escalation with the same extreme violence as in Sweden, with relatives at risk of becoming targets.

The report describes how, at the end of June, videos began to spread on social media, where members of the Swedish criminal network attacked and mocked leading figures in the Danish Comanches.

Details: Stole a large amount of hashish

According to information to SVT Nyheter, the conflict is about some people in Comanches stealing a large amount of hashish from some people in Copenhagen, unaware that the narcotics belonged to Ismail Abdo.

It is said to have led to three acts of violence in Copenhagen during the last week, directed against Comanches and their relatives.

“And that’s just the beginning, I’m afraid,” an insider in Denmark tells SVT Nyheter.

The Mc club is growing in Denmark

According to Danish police, the motorcycle club is growing in Denmark, and Comanches are starting to become a power factor in the country, according to Acta Publica. According to Acta Publica’s assessment, they have around 170 members in Denmark and between 15 and 20 members in Sweden. Several members are said to have a background in the gang environment.
