Danish left wing to redraw the map

Danish left wing to redraw the map

This is how Denmark voted in the EU elections, with 99.8 percent of the votes counted (the parties taking seats in the European Parliament with party group affiliation and difference to the 2019 result in parentheses):

Socialist People’s Party (environmentalist Gr/EFA) 17.4 percent (+4.2)

The Social Democrats (S&D): 15.6 percent (–5.9)

Left (liberal RE): 14.7 percent (–8.8)

Conservatives (Conservative EPP): 8.8 percent (+2.6)

Danish Democrats (others): 7.4 percent (not included)

Radicals (liberal RE): 7.1 percent (–3.0)

Liberal Alliance (conservative EPP): 7.0 percent (+4.8)

Enhedslisten (Left-wing group GUE/NGL): 7.0 percent (+1.5)

Danish People’s Party (EU-critical far-right ID): 6.4 percent (–4.4)

Moderates (liberal RE): 5.9 percent (not included)

Source: DR
