The Danish pension giant, which has SEK 192 billion to invest for, academic pension, has had enough of both Tesla and Elon Musk.
It is mainly the brand’s CEO, Elon Musk, which has made the patience end.
For this reason, the Danish giant has now set an ultimatum to Elon Musk and Tesla.
Otherwise, the Danes leave
Unless the requirement is met, academic pension will stop investing:
– It is no secret that Tesla has been the market leader in the green transition for several years. But when we can tick off a long list of problems year after year without prospects for any improvement – actually the opposite – it is difficult to argue that we will continue to invest, ”says Jens Munch Holst according to a press release.
There are three reasons why academic pension wants to withdraw.
Three reasons
First and foremost, it is Tesla’s union resistance, something we have experienced in Sweden.
In addition, academic pension believes that Tesla’s board consists of Musk’s family and friends and for that reason is not inexperienced.
The third reason is Elon Musk himself. He has been politically involved lately and has supported controversial position in both the US and Europe.
In a press release, they write that Musk destroys Tesla’s brand and value.
One last chance
Academic pension has submitted a shareholder proposal to June’s Annual General Meeting. The proposal concerns the employee’s right to form and become members of trade unions.
If the proposal is not a reality, they will sell their holdings in Tesla.
– We have no high expectations for the proposal to be voted on, so the exclusion is clearly in the drawer. But Tesla’s board will have one last opportunity to change our position, says Jens Munch Holst and continues:
– It is no secret that we are great advocates for active ownership. And we have been trying for several years to get the company to make some of the changes we find necessary. But sometimes you have to realize that the desired change is too far away or that there are no prospects for it. And that is the situation with Tesla, we believe.