Daniela Santanchè speaks at the Forum in the masseria in Saturnia

Santanche Senato respinge mozione di sfiducia

(Finance) – “La tourist tax must be reviewed and it must become a purpose tax”. This is the proposal of the Minister of Tourism, Daniela Santanchè, intervened at Forum in the farm in Saturnia. “I don’t agree to use the tax indiscriminately. We could review the tourist tax which must be a purpose tax, you pay it because your money will be reinvested in tourism, while today it is used to smooth out the budgets of the municipalities. They are the mayors who decide”, said Santanchè.

For Santanchè the word “overtourism means that tourism has not been managed. We are talking about a sector that has suffered more than anyone else during the pandemic and we must support him financially. We are ready to help and improve accommodation facilities. Some people got angry when I said there was a lack of hotels, but they were missing because fortunately the number of tourists had increased.”

“We have another crazy advantage: we are Italy and when a tourist arrives in Europe they also want to come to Italy for food and wine tourism. Today we have to talk about tourism, talking about tourism is wrong. I continue to say that the big ones are missing and missing. international chains but in our country if someone talks about luxury tourism and 5 star hotels it seems like blasphemy. But have you ever seen the low helping the high? Just look at Rome and Milan. Rome started late and now slowly it’s slowly getting there. We are the nation of luxury. The topic of short-term rentals exploded because there was a lack of supply of rooms”, declared Santanchè.
