Daniel saw a white moose in Skillingaryd: “My partner just screamed”

Throughout Daniel’s upbringing, the white moose has been a myth in the village of Skillingmark.
On the way home from this year’s holiday, the family suddenly caught sight of something at the edge of the forest further away.
– My partner just shouted: A white moose, says Daniel Paulsson.

Daniel Paulsson’s summers have been spent in the family’s cottage in Skillingaryd near the Norwegian border since he was a child. This time he brought his partner for the third time and his bonus son – who was making his first visit.

– One of the highlights has always been all the moose and being out in nature, says Daniel Paulsson.

But the moose have always been brown. At the same time, the white moose has become a myth in the area. “Almost like a fairy tale animal”, according to Daniel.

– You have always heard that it should be there, but no one has actually seen it.

Family rule: Turn around

When the bags were packed for this year, the car didn’t roll far before Daniel’s roommate suddenly saw a white moose.

– I just think that it can’t be right. But we have set up a rule within the family that when situations like this arise, we must turn around.

He tells us that several times they saw something white glimpsed past – but then continued their journey.

– You can almost complain to this day and wonder what it was you actually saw.

“Jaw dropped”

Therefore, he is extra happy that they made the decision to turn around. And indeed it was a white moose looming at the edge of the forest behind the soccer field.

– Then we lost our chin, he says.

The first attempts to film through the window in the drizzle came to nothing.

– So I decide to get as close as possible. I sneak close and maybe 50 meters from the moose there are some advertising signs that I crouch behind. Then I stand there for maybe ten to fifteen minutes. And it just stands there and watches.

The event has become memorable to say the least. Both for him and in the village – but above all for the nine-year-old bonus son.

– He won the jackpot on the first trip. It must be him who brings the luck with him, says Daniel Paulsson.
