Dangerous Potense Honey is sold in Sweden – contains hidden medicines

The honey packaging is sold online on different websites and some sales are also done via social media – where the potency honey is usually marketed. On social media, it is crawling with videos, above all, young Americans who test the honey because it is fun.

– This can be dangerous for everyone because you do not know how much it contains and how it is manufactured, says Elin Maria Bergsten.

Death 2023

There are risks with this kind of product, partly because the drug substance is not on the table of contents and partly because potent drugs can cause serious side effects.

-With potency drugs, it is mainly cardiovascular side effects, you get a low blood pressure, says Elin Maria Bergsten.

A couple of years ago died a 23-year-old man After eating a similar honey product.

– We have also received a report from the health care where a former healthy young man got a heart attack after taking such a product, says Elin Maria Bergsten.

Customs has seized

The honey packages are illegal, as they contain hidden drugs. Last year, French Customs made a record seizure of the Potenshone – 13 tonnes of packaging.

Swedish Customs has not made the same seizure-between 2021-2024 there are seven registered seizures. But the product has nevertheless entered Sweden, and there are Swedish websites that sell the Potenshony.

Most often, the Potense Honey comes from countries such as Malaysia, Turkey, Tunisia and Thailand – and the manufacturing process is very uncertain.

– The packaging may contain any completely different substance that has no potency to do at all, because it is manufactured in illegal factories where anything is handled, says Elin Maria Bergsten.

Trend in the United States

Already in 2018 Warned US Food and Medicines Agency for a mark of potensory. And Media in the United States Has noticed that young students are among those who use the Potenzonen.

There are no natural potency enhancers

If a product claims naturally to raise the potency, what consumer should call a warning bell, according to the Swedish Medicines Agency:

– There are no herb mixtures that have any such effect shown, so you should not believe in such type of marketing, says Elin Maria Bergsten.
