Dangerous avalanche mode in several parts of the mountains

Dangerous avalanche mode in several parts of the mountains



The full -screen risk is significant in several mountain areas. File image. Photo: Erik Nylander/TT

Set the mountain tour if you are not the mountain van, advises SMHI which issued yellow warnings for wind and snow on the calf mountain.

In many places, there is also warned of dangerous conditions and significant risk of avalanches.

SMHI’s warnings for wind in combination with snowfall apply to Södra Laplandsfjällen, Härjedalsfjällen and Jämtlandsfjällen from lunchtime on Monday.

In the Lapland mountains, the warning is valid until Monday evening at 19 and for other areas until 06 on Wednesday morning.

In addition, there is significant avalanche danger, a third on the five -degree scale, with dangerous conditions in five mountain areas.

These are Västra Härjedalsfjällen, Södra Jämtlandsfjällen, Södra Laplandsfjällen, Västra Vindelfjällen and the Abisko and National Border Fair, according to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s site of avalanche forecasts.

In the areas concerned, sensitive drive snowflakes have been built that can easily be put in motion.

“It is very easy to start avalanches and they can be very large,” the comment for Vindelfjällen says.

In Kebnekaisefjällen there is a moderate danger, a second on the five -degree scale.

The avalanche warning is currently valid until Monday at 18, but in all areas the avalanche danger is expected to consist as a result of harsh winds and more fresh snow.

Factal wine scale

The avalanche danger is divided into a five -degree scale:

1. Little danger. Conditions are secure in general. The snow can be unstable in individual places. Avalanches unlikely.

2. Moderate danger. Dangerous conditions in parts of the terrain. It is possible for people to trigger avalanches, but spontaneous avalanches are unlikely.

3. Significant danger. Dangerous conditions. It is likely that people trigger avalanches and spontaneous avalanches are possible.

4. Great danger. Very dangerous conditions. Very likely with spontaneous avalanches and people triggering avalanches.

5. Very great danger. Human triggered and spontaneous avalanches occur with certainty.

Source: Lavinprognoser.se

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