The scientists found that the risk of hip fracture in vegetarian women was 33 percent higher than in non-vegetarians.
According to the news of the Daily Mail newspaper, researchers from the University of Leed examined the risk of hip fractures faced by women who consume meat and fish and those who do not.
Researchers stated that hip fractures may be caused by not getting the nutrients needed by the bones and muscles.
“Our research highlights the potential risk of hip fractures in vegetarian women,” said researcher James Webster. said.
Emphasizing that he does not warn vegetarians to change their eating habits, Webster stated that it is important to observe personal conditions in the eating routine and to know which foods are necessary for a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
Webster noted that it is worrisome that vegetarians generally have lower intakes of nutrients associated with bone and muscle health, pointing out that such nutrients are more abundant in meat and animal products.
Professor Janet Cade, one of the researchers, pointed out that hip fracture is a health problem that makes people dependent on others, reduces their quality of life and is economically costly.
Cade said plant-based diets are linked to poor bone health, but there is no solid data yet on links to hip fracture risk.
Research has also highlighted that not being underweight, adding essential nutrients to diets, strengthening muscles, and increasing physical activity will help protect bone health.
The results of the study were published in the medical journal BMC.