Danger in your new clothes, Anses warns of this gesture not to be neglected

Danger in your new clothes Anses warns of this gesture

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    You have inevitably gone shopping with the children going back to school or for yourself… Anses reminds us of an essential health gesture with these brand new clothes.

    New clothes, tracksuits, pairs of shoes… In families, the start of the school year is often a time for clothing purchases to start the year off right. But these purchases, even made in large stores, are not always harmless to health.

    Chemicals found in all new clothes

    Beneath the allure of these shiny new clothes lies a fact: they each contain numerous chemicals.While some of these substances are already regulated, others have yet to be identified or regulated,” Anses pointed out in 2022. Our new shoes and clothes would thus contain hundreds of chemical substances such as dyes, skin allergens, residues or impurities, present in greater or lesser concentrations.

    Based on the results of the study it conducted in 2018, the Agency proposed a restriction at European level for more than 1000 substances with a view to strengthening consumer safety.

    On the fast fashion side, it’s not much better. In a test carried out last May on 25 Shein children’s items, the Testachats association noted:

    Just one step: wash before wearing

    While the temptation is great to finally wear that new sweatshirt for school, Anses nevertheless recommends a time to eliminate as much residue as possible: that of washing it (according to the recommendations related to the textile), before wearing the item. This advice is all the more important since the garment is close to the skin. A habit to take up from the next purchases.

    Our 5 tips for a more responsible return to school

    Slideshow: Our 5 tips for a more responsible return to school
