Dancing security guard went viral

Whitney Houston poured out of the speakers as one of the guests slides up to the bouncer to invite them to dance. The atmosphere at the venue was ecstatic and it became too hard to resist.
– I’ve tried to deny that it’s me, but people say they’re not surprised, says Daniel Sorange.

It all started with the guest Marie visiting the performance Mamma Mia The Party where all guests were invited to take photos and film EVERYTHING. She took note of that and headed off towards the one who looked the least likely to engage in a spontaneous dance.

An incredible dancer

But Marie was not deterred. She toasted with security guard Daniel and tried to get some dance moves going. What happened next surprised everyone.

Daniel, who is a trained musical artist by day, couldn’t resist the atmosphere. With a feather boa over his shoulders and a baton (or was it a flashlight?) in his hand, he began to dance as if it was his greatest performance. The audience was in ecstasy and Marie laughed so hard she giggled. The footage was posted on social media and spread at lightning speed, something that caused Marie to get a little cold feet. Marie got a little nervous, was he ok with her posting it?

From fake news to viral star

Afterwards, Daniel has received many questions about the incident. People wonder if it was planned, but he assures that it was completely spontaneous. Even though he tried to deny it all by blaming “fake news” and AI, no one believed him. Everyone recognized him.

– You can’t help it when the music is so good and the guests are so nice, says Daniel with a laugh. I love this!

A viral success

The video of the dance has gone viral, and Daniel has become a real sensation. Our guests question whether I am actually a security guard. something that he really is.
When asked if he enjoys his job, he answers with a smile:

– To be a security guard in Tyrol? It’s like getting paid to have fun!

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