The new season of “Dance with the Stars” soon begins on TF1, but controversies and controversies are already accumulating …
The launch of the new season of Dance with stars Was scheduled for Friday, February 7, on TF1. In the casting, stars of the first channel and elsewhere, such as Claude Dartois, Sophie Davant, Eve Gilles, Jungeli, Franck Leboeuf, Florent Manaudou, Mayane, Nelson Monfort, Adil Rami, Charlotte de Turckheim, Lénie Vacher or Julie Zenatti. And despite this skewer of stars, the 14th season seems already continued by its old demons. While the first dance steps have not yet resonated on the legendary parquet floor of Dalsthe controversies and controversial convent, after the huge case which had opposed Inès Reg and Natasha St-Pierre last year.
First concern for production as fans of Dance with stars : Anthony Colette, one of the emblematic dancers of the program since 2017, announced by surprise that he would not be there. Winner last year with Natasha St-Pier, he has since continued to pour out in the media and social networks, incredulous and defeatist in the face of this ouster which he obviously did not choose. Latest parasitic, this January 28, Anthony Colette told her fans during a live on Twitch “the main reason” which was given to him by production for this sidelining: no star in the cast “corresponded”. “I don’t know anything more […]. I accept, I’m not going to cry, that’s how […]. The show will turn well, it’s not as if it depended on me, “he continued.
Anthony Colette also announced that he completely stopped dance to devote himself to writing and comedy. Disgusted, he would actually be a victim, according to some internal sources, of the violent clash who opposed his last partner to Inès reg last season. A conflict that has definitely left traces …
A clash that leaves traces and a feverish cast for DALS 2025
Christophe Licata, partner of Inès Reg last year, also returned to this case which had poisoned the previous edition of Dance with stars As much as she had boosted the audiences. In a book published recently “Revelation (s), 13 seasons, and after?” (Ed. Leduc), the dancer revealed that he had been the victim of threats and even physically attacked for this story. He says he had lived “hell” following this clash which had gained excessive magnitude. Revelations that still get the program in the hints of this 13th season is woe.
And it is not the only tensions that surround the return of Dals. When former world champion Adil Rami was announced among the candidates at mid December, the choice of TF1 had also caused an uproar on social networks. It must be said that the retired footballer, not used to discretion, had a few days earlier posted controversial messages concerning Elsa Bois, herself a dancer of Dance with stars. In the midst of a cyberbully campaign accusing the young woman of betraying and deceiving her companion, the influencer Michou, Adil Rami had added, believing that in place of Michou, “[il] do not leave[rait] not pass it “…
The problems do not stop there. More recently, Florent Manaudou, another athlete in the running in Dance with starswas publicly worried about the impact of the show on his young couple with Lola, his new partner. The forced distance linked to training and his new life in Paris scare the swimmer, who feared in Télé Loisirs weakening his romantic relationship.
Despite a 5 -star casting, this edition of Dals 2025 therefore starts in a weighing climate, far from carelessness and good humor usually in order. It remains to be hoped that the show will quickly resume its rights once the spotlights are on.