Damage to trees in Nordanstig baffles experts: “First time I see it”

The fungus Sydowia polyspora was considered harmless for forestry until two years ago when it suddenly caused damage to Swedish pine trees near Kalmar.

In Nordanstig, the same fungus may now have caused the first known attack on contorta pine.

Lack of water can be the cause

Iryna Matsiakh, an expert on tree damage at the Swedish Agricultural University’s forest damage center, needs to do lab tests on needles and shoots before she can give a definitive answer as to whether it is Sydowia. But many points to it.

– Warmer climates can make the trees more stressed due to lack of water and thus make them more susceptible to diseases, says Iryna Matsiakh.

Follow along in the video as Iryna Matsiakh examines the trees and hear more about her theories.
