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The pressure, the organization, even the overload of work, are far from being the most stressful events of a day. In any case, this is what a new study reveals, which tells us that minor worries, such as getting stuck in traffic, represent a much greater source of stress on a daily basis. It is at 7:23 a.m., well before arriving at work for most people, that the peak of stress would be reached… Explanations.
A public health problem, stress has for many years been the subject of a multitude of studies to determine the most convincing causes and to try to eliminate them in order to reduce the risk of developing associated diseases, such as high blood pressure, certain degenerative diseases, diabetes, even digestive disorders. As we have seen in recent months, the search for perfection, the budget, even the fact of living in poorly heated accommodation, would be sources of stress, and they are far from being isolated. A new study carried out by the British company Rescue Remedy, relayed by the Daily Mailhowever, reveals that ordinary mortals are under stress from the first minutes of the day, setting the daily stress peak at 7:23 a.m.
Conducted among approximately 2,000 British adults, this study focused on the most stressful time of the day, but not only. It was also about determining the fifty most distressing daily events for men and women, and the result turns out to be as surprising as it is unexpected. Contrary to popular belief, work does not appear at the top of the list, far from it. On the other hand, it is all the actions intended to take us from bed to the workplace that can generate a high dose of stress, starting with the home-office journeys… The most stressful episode, according to the study.
Traffic jams, clumsiness, late awakening
Contrary to popular belief, getting stuck in traffic tops the list of the most stressful events of a day, according to the panel. But there are many other little everyday worries that can make a day scary, starting with spilling something – food, drink, makeup, toothpaste – on your clothes, or breaking a bowl, cup or glass the first moments of the day. Two seemingly minor events which nevertheless complete the top three of the most stressful actions of a day.
But respondents may also panic even earlier in the day due to a potential wake-up failure. And when that doesn’t happen, they can see their stress levels increase if they spill something on the mat, burn food, or spill boiling water on the hob. If they are not directly associated with work, these actions, relatively undramatic at first sight, nevertheless all have a link: the delay that they can cause to get to…work.
“Often when we think ‘drama’ we’re thinking of something important, but research shows the impact small worries can have on our daily mood. We know that a bad night’s sleep can have a negative effect on the whole day, and that difficult days often end in sleepless nights. It is therefore not surprising that the mornings are the scene of the first dramassays Zuzana Bustikova, head of global brands at Nelsons, owner of Rescue Remedy.
Arriving late to work is the tenth most stressful event of a day, just behind not finding a parking space and tripping in public. This is followed by forgetting your bags at the supermarket checkout, seeing your clothes stained with bird droppings, spilling something on your sofa, being locked outside, not being able to start the car, or to deal with a breakdown in public transport. So many actions that can ruin a day, and increase stress levels.
Fatigue, the main stressor
The study does not say whether these stressful events are also stressful on weekends, a time of the week when the pressure is less present. But it is clear that fatigue stands out as the main stressor, for 46% of respondents, just ahead of a restless night’s sleep (36%), and a busy day at work (33%). Although work is not cited as a stressful event as such, at least not at the top of the rankings, it does seem to somehow disrupt the days – and nights – of the British. So many stressful events that leave the main stakeholders frustrated (32%), anxious (23%), or tired (21%). A vicious circle, in short.
Ultimately, the study reveals that adults would on average be confronted with three stressful events per day, which would disturb women about an hour earlier than their male counterparts. The World Health Organization (WHO) revealed in March 2022 that cases of anxiety and depression were up 25% worldwide due to the Covid-19 pandemic, due to isolation, fear of infection, lack or on the contrary of work overload, and financial worries, with a higher prevalence among young people and women. A finding that has increased even more in recent months due to the war in Ukraine and the economic crisis, testifying to the importance of finding tools and other resources to limit the risks of depression, burn-out, and other illnesses linked to the peaks of stress to which individuals are subjected on a daily basis.