Dadgostar auctions off his “government trapper blouse”

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Left Party leader Nooshi Dadgostar wants to contribute to Musikhjälpen’s collection and is auctioning off a beige pink blouse from Ahlvar Gallery at Tradera. A blouse she wore during a vote that led to stopping market rents.
– I hope someone wants to feel a piece of the historic event, says Dadgostar.

Right now the price is 6,000 kroner, but Dadgostar has competition from other politicians as, among others, Annie Lööf donated a suit and Lena Hallengren offers coffee. And right now, Morgan Johansson’s law book has the highest bid in the collection that will go to children on the run.
– I guess we’ll see at the end who has won, says Nooshi Dadgostar.

See more about the left-wing leader’s special blouse, which is now being auctioned, in the player above
