D-Day for the inter-Comorian dialogue

D Day for the inter Comorian dialogue

An inter-Comorian dialogue opens this Monday in the Comoros. This national meeting was initially proposed by the opposition Ulezi party as a way out of the political crisis for President Azali, whose re-election in 2019 has so far been decried by the largest opposition parties.

With our correspondent in Moroni, Anziza M’Changama

The executive has always said conducive to dialogue and even organizes it by inviting the entire political class and civil society. Many answered the call but not all. The opposition union, having called in vain for the release of political prisoners as a preamble to this dialogue, announced that it would not participate in what it denounces as ” one more masquerade “.

However, the authorities remain confident. “ There are people… who said they weren’t going to participate. But I remain confident that they too will participate because they have something to contribute to the functioning of the State. When we invited the peace and security commissioner of the African Union, the same speech was made but in the end everyone took part “, according to doctor Daniel Ali Bandar, chief of staff of the president.

Like the President Macky Hall this weekend, the entire international community is encouraging this inter-Comorian political dialogue, according to the director of cabinet. “ They call on all Comorians to participate in this dialogue…”.

The inclusive national dialogue should last three weeks and everyone can address the themes they wish to put on the agenda.
