D-0: only a few hours left to support Mag Futura!

Three pillars of science against fake news

More than a day to fall for the first one Mag Futura. In addition, we offer you special offers with your name inscribed inside, Rubik’s cube, t-shirts, meeting with our journalists, etc. I participate !

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[EN VIDÉO] Le Mag Futura, first edition
Futura has launched a new challenge: writing a paper magazine! This review focuses on four major questions that we explore through surveys, reports or major interviews. This Mag is a big bet for an independent web media and that is why we need your support.

D-1 !!! The support campaign for the launch of our Mag Futura exceeded all our expectations. The best reward for all those who have been working on this first issue of more than 200 pages for several months. You are more than 3,000 contributors to tell us your love for science.

Friday, December 17th, the campaign is shutting down, so if you don’t want to miss this event and help us distribute our Mag without any ads, hurry up! There is still time to reserve one, two, five, ten numbers. It is still also for offer it to your aunt, cousin or your friends who are passionate about science!

What is Mag Futura?

the Mag Futura, it is four files of around fifty pages each exploring scientific questions that will make the news in 2022 and throughout the decade!

All the details of the files of the first issue:

  1. What mysteries is the Moon still hiding from us?
  2. Will we soon be able to cure everything thanks to genes?
  3. How to feed the world without destroying it?
  4. Can Artificial Intelligence Get Really Smart?

Happy New Year’s Eve everyone and a big thank you for your support!


The countdown has started, the adventure will end very soon … You have until Friday 17/12 to pre-order your copy of Mag Futura and receive it in preview in your mailbox! We are on the starting blocks!

What is Mag Futura? A review of more than 200 pages, 4 files on Science which will mark 2022, zero fake news, just Science !

Why is it important to continue to support us until the last moment?

  • To succeed in having a finalized format, up to your expectations: enriched with educational comics, incredible illustrations and ingenious tutorials (objective: 2,500 presales)
  • To make Science accessible to the wider world and to ban fake news!
  • To demonstrate that the press still has a bright future ahead of it (with 4000 presales: Mag Futura is coming out on newsstands and bookstores).
  • To give us hope for the future and ensure the future of the Mag Futura project.

Meeting on Ulule to support the project ! More than ever, we are counting on you!

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