Cyrille Pomès, unplugging teenagers to connect them

Cyrille Pomes unplugging teenagers to connect them

Throughout the pages of his new comic strip, the designer and screenwriter Cyrille Pomès looks at adolescence through the prism of the virtual world and social networks. It questions the importance of appearance and social ties among teenagers in the process of building their identity.

In the first pages of the album, one has the impression of being in a TV documentary on the Atlanteans. But we quickly switch to a much more contemporary world, much more realistic too, but no less mysterious and strange: the world of adolescents. It must be said that it is in the comic strip report that Cyrille Pomès started, and it shows.

His fiction, stuffed with realistic dialogues, virtual conversations and landscapes, takes an ironic look at a subject that has something to smile about and think about: learning about life and relationships with others in the age of screens and cell phone addiction.

“Moon” the new album by Cyrille Pomes is available from Rue de Sèvres editions.

Report : For a little over a month now, with the start of the war in Ukraine, a subject has moved to the background of the news: the tragedies that are being played out in the Mediterranean, for those who decide to cross it at the risk of their life, often going through the hell of the Libyan camps. The theater of Aubervilliers, in the Paris region, is currently hosting a documentary piece devoted to the subject. Its title: “In real life”, Fanny Bleichner went to see her for VMDN.
