Cybersecurity: “Italy 4th country at risk, AI against attacks”

Banks ABI Cyber ​​attacks since February Data protection measures have

(Finance) – The project Free to… LIVE arrives at Courmayeur for the tenth stage of the 2022 Tour. From Thursday 1 to Saturday 3 September 2022, at the Jardin De L’Ange (via Roma, 88) three days of free meetings, exhibitions and shows with the aim of spreading financial education and digital to combat economic violence and promote social inclusion actions. The common thread of this year is the cybersecurity as a response to the digital dimension of gender-based violence.

The initiative, promoted for the third consecutive year by Global Thinking Foundation, president Claudia Segre, takes place in collaboration with the Regional Council of Valle d’Aosta, Courmayeur Mont Blanc and the Pourparler association, with the patronage of the Municipality of Courmayeur, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the EU Commission, ASviS, Advertising Progress and Inclusion Woman and with the partnership of Luce! and National Newspaper.

“Artificial intelligence can help defend oneself better from cyber attacks, which are more and more frequent in our country, especially to the detriment of the very young and the elderly. According to the latest Censis report on cyber security, in fact, 64.6% of citizens and businesses have been the target of deceptive e-mails to extort sensitive data – said the president. Claudia Segre – The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity in its latest focus warns about the threat deriving from ransomware attacks in which Italy is among the countries most at risk, in fourth place behind the United States, Germany and France. During 2021, Cnaipic, the National Cybercrime Center for the Protection of Critical Infrastructures of the Postal Police, managed 5,434 significant cyber attacks, on average 15 per day, against the IT services of institutional systems, critical IT infrastructures of national interest, sensitive infrastructures of regional interest, large companies. There are 110,524 security alerts referable to threats to IT / telematic systems subject to the protection of the Center “.
