Cybersecurity, DeepInspect-Nozomi Networks partnership on critical industrial infrastructure protection

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(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Deep Inspectspinoff of the Italian group NSR, e Nozomi Networksa global leader in OT and IoT cybersecurity, have announced a partnerships technological. The companies offer a joint solution that combines the DeepInspect solution, the first on the market capable of operating in the OT and wireless IoT environment and identifying vulnerabilities before an adversary can exploit them, with the detection, protection and continuous monitoring capabilities offered by the system Nozomi Networks.

With this agreement the companies develop a platform currently unique on the market. It is the first detection solution operating on both the OT and IoT levels both wired and in a wireless environment, which is notoriously the least manned, and which today enriches the ability of identification preventive of threats with the detection and continuous monitoring capabilities of Nozomi Networks software.

100% made in Italy, and inspired by a military background, DeepInspect has the potential to mark a new frontier in the security of critical infrastructures and industrial processes 4.0, opening a “Italian way” to cybersecurity in a country like ours which today depends substantially on foreign countries. According to the Gartner Report “Predicts 2022: Cyber-Physical Systems Security — Critical Infrastructure in Focus” security breaches are expected by 2025 for 30% of critical infrastructures.

“The goal of our solution was to fill a gap in the market and to simplify a complex area such as information security as much as possible, creating an agile system (just think that the main device can fit in the palm of a one hand) but sufficiently articulated and complete to guarantee maximum protection, in particular that of the critical energy and gas infrastructures, which are so highly regarded at the moment, and of industry 4.0 in general. – comments Antonio Mauro, Founder and CEO of DeepInspect – I am honored that an industry giant like Nozomi Networks has realized the potential of this solution and has chosen to stand by our side. A result that would not have been possible if a prestigious group with thirty years of experience behind it such as NSR had not believed in us from the beginning, helping us to bring our business idea to light.”

“We are very happy to partner with DeepInspect. – he has declared Philip Page, Director of BD & Partner Technologies at Nozomi Networks – The solution allows us to extend our capabilities. The integration of the two solutions allows us to enrich our offer and the quality of the results. In the future we will continue to work to improve the integration more and more and we already see new features on the horizon”.
