Cyberpunk 2077’s leaf fall continues

Cyberpunk 2077s leaf fall continues

The game has already dealt with a lot of problems since its release. The company, which received a lot of criticism when it did not get the expected effect after the launch, is now on the agenda with separations.

One of the names who worked for a long time to be among the veterans of the company is leaving the studio. Cyberpunk 2077 The studio, which was upset at the beginning of its project, could not overcome some of the problems it had experienced for itself, even though the studio subsequently won the hearts of the players with the improvements it made.

Cyberpunk 2077 Production Director leaves the company

Jedrzej Mróz, who has been working within the company for nearly 15 years, announced that he has decided to leave CD Projekt. Mróz, who is the production director on the Cyberpunk 2077 project, stated that he was leaving, saying that he was after something new. This breakup news shared on the official LinkedIn page and his team has been an “amazing” experience.

He began working as executive producer on Cyberpunk 2077 in 2012 and held multiple positions throughout development. After the game was released in 2020, he was appointed production director responsible for scheduling updates and managing the team for continued support of the game. He first entered the firm in 2007 as a young QA specialist, testing the studio’s first game, The Witcher.

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It’s unknown for now what’s next, as Mróz doesn’t share his future ambitions in the gaming industry. The Polish studio has lost most of its experienced team over the past few years. Most of these breakups are from employees who joined the team more than 10 years ago. There are currently dozens of job postings open on the studio’s official website, and they’re trying to recruit experts for future projects like the next Witcher game.

CD Projekt announced earlier this year that the Witcher project had left the “research phase” and therefore the game is currently in pre-production.
