Cyberpunk 2077 Bumper Car Arena Found

Cyberpunk 2077 Bumper Car Arena Found

Phantom Liberty DLC-exclusive bumper car arena in Cyberpunk 2077, discovered by Reddit user Athena_Olympia2077.

One of the Cyberpunk 2077 players recently came across a bumper car arena-style event at a Watson location. This discovered event appears to be tied to one of Cyberpunk 2077’s Phantom Liberty missions, meaning only players who own the Phantom Liberty DLC can see it.

Cyberpunk 2077 Bumper Car Arena

While doing such a task, Reddit user Athena_Olympia2077 came across the bumper car arena featuring three Makigai MaiMai P126s. As seen in footage from the event, some members of Cyberpunk 2077’s Maelstrom and Scavengers have staged a mini bumper car derby in the eastern part of Watson.

While Athena_Olympia2077 isn’t the first Cyberpunk 2077 player to encounter this bumper car arena, footage of the incident recently made it to the front page of the game’s largest subreddit. Four months after the Phantom Liberty DLC was released, it seems many fans are still unaware of it. Based on some past player experiences, it appears that there is a mission that tasks V with stealing the Makigai MaiMai P126 in the bumper car arena. Therefore, the bumper car arena can only appear while this mission is active.

Cyberpunk 2077 Bumper Car Arena

Makigai MaiMai P126, the slowest vehicle in Cyberpunk 2077, its small body and high handling make it an ideal car to fight in the arena. As for the bumper car derby featuring this vehicle, the event itself continues indefinitely unless the player intervenes. Of course, El Capitan must complete the MaiMai P126 mission. Since Makigai MaiMai P126 is not a fast vehicle, it can drive you crazy in city traffic until you finish the mission because El Capitan requires the car to be delivered at a certain time in the mission.
