Cyber ​​Risk among SMEs: Generali and Confindustria in Bologna to promote management culture

Cyber ​​Risk among SMEs Generali and Confindustria in Bologna to

(Finance) – The roadshow stopped in Bologna today dedicated to the territory to spread and promote the culture of cyber risk management among small and medium-sized companies, with the presentation of the Cyber ​​Index PMI Emilia-Romagna Report. Cyber ​​Index PMI created by Generali and Confindustria, with the scientific support of the Cybersecurity & Data Protection Observatory of the School of Management of the Polytechnic of Milan and with the participation of the National Cybersecurity Agency, highlights and monitors over time the level of knowledge of cyber risks within corporate organizations and the methods of approach adopted by them for the management of these risks. The event is the third territorial focus of the current year, after the stage dedicated to Tuscany and that to Umbria.

“Today we are in Confindustria Emilia in Bologna to make our know-how and the valuable, distinctive and efficient consultancy of our Network available to associated companies. We want to contribute in a concrete way to spreading the culture of cyber risk among SMEs, and to raise awareness of the importance of adopting adequate protection systems, as well as innovative insurance systems. This is how we remain faithful to Generali’s ambition: to be People’s Life Partner at all relevant times”, he declared Claudio Arni, Head of Offer Development – ​​Marketing & Distribution of Generali Italia.

“We stand alongside businesses and SMEs to allow entrepreneurs and their employees to understand what the risks associated with digitalisation may be. Today, for almost all companies, digitalisation is an obligatory path to innovate and compete on the markets, but it exposes them to a vulnerability that is very often underestimated. Therefore, recognizing the importance of adopting advanced prevention and IT security practices, and also investing in this direction, is a real lever of competitiveness because it not only allows you to protect your company data, but guarantees trust and relationships with your stakeholders. The objective we have set ourselves is to increasingly raise the level of attention to prevention and expand the number of companies safe in digital protection, supporting companies, supply chains and the entire supply chain in training on these issues”, he stated Andrea PizzardiPresident of the Small Industry of Confindustria Emilia.

For Luca NicolettiDirector of the Industrial, Research and Training Programs Service of the National Cybersecurity Agency “Cybernetic risk has many faces and certainly concerns the exposure of the digital surface of each organization, but also the level of awareness of the risk perceived by those governs and those who work there. We believe that the Cyber ​​Index PMI is the right approach to promote this awareness with the aim of better understanding the needs of individual companies, each with its own territorial, market, financial and organizational specificity It is a starting point for improving the cyber posture of SMEs, to which the ACN also wants to make a contribution through knowledge of the availability of accessible public funding sources to reduce the risk itself.”
