Cut his toe off – get a shorter sentence

Cut his toe off get a shorter sentence



full screen The Svea Court of Appeal mitigates the sentence for a man who was convicted of serious weapons offenses but shot himself in the foot with the weapon. Archive image. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

A man shot himself in the foot, and therefore the Svea Court of Appeal shortens the prison sentence for aggravated weapons crime a little, reports Dagens juridik.

The man had a sawed-off shotgun at home, which he stated he had found outside. He didn’t have a license for it and when he took it out, under the influence of alcohol, a shot went off. The result – an amputated toe.

The district court’s sentence of eight months conditional, the court of appeal changes to imprisonment for two years and three months. But with a deduction for the foot injury, it will be two years.
