Customers rush when Coop sells out – stores must close earlier

Customers rush when Coop sells out stores must close

The food chain Coop has recently reformed the discounts in customers’ memberships in order to be able to match the discounts in the rest of the industry.

Coop changes the membership – here is the discount that disappears

Photo: Hasse Holmberg/TT.

One Coop store that has not fared so well, however, is Coop Bromölla in Skåne.

They have been planning to close their shop for a long time. The business, which was previously a Netto store, has simply not been profitable. The planned date for the permanent closure was Easter Sunday.

Before the closure, the Coop store started a clearance sale on the Monday before Easter Sunday. The price of all goods was then halved.

Then customer interest exploded.

Coop is changing the herring cans – just days before Easter

Photo: Claudio Bresciani/TT.”Onslaught” to Coop store

According to the newspaper Northern Scania there were a lot of new faces in the store after they started their sale.

– I didn’t think there would be such an onslaught. It has taken a toll on the inventory when we reduced it to 50 percent, says Peter Almgrendistrict manager Kristianstad/Blekinge to the newspaper.

The week after Easter, the store must be emptied of inventory.

Coop’s big change: “Disappearing…”
