Customers rush to ICA Maxi – that’s the reason

Customers rush to ICA Maxi thats the reason

In the days ICA Maxi University in Örebro turned ten years, which they celebrated with pomp and standing. To celebrate the day, the store had special offers and the first 50 customers who came to the store in the morning would have a free gift.

And the gift attracted hundreds of customers, and many started queuing already at 19 o’clock the day before.

– We have probably never had so many customers outside before opening, and in such bad weather. They are fantastic that they have been outside and frozen for at least six hours, the CEO and the owner of the ICA Maxi store told to Na.

At the opening, he estimated that there were just over 500 people queuing outside the store.

At Tiktok, a video on gender has been widely circulated and shown over 700,000 times.

It must have been a free speaker for the first 50 customers of the JBL brand, worth SEK 1,199.
